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How to remove snow salt from shoes? - Canada Salt


How To Remove Snow Salt From Shoes?

People love to see icy sideways but should be careful while taking a walk on them. Salt is used to remove the snow on the streets to make driving and walking safer for people. Minerals like sodium bicarbonate or magnesium carbonate used for melting the ice can leave stains on your clothes, carpets, and shoes. It is easy to remove fresh stains, but salt disintegrates fabrics and also damages the shoes.

So, How to Remove Stains Off Shoes?

Salt deposited on your shoes can dry out the leather and causes permanent damage. To keep the boots in condition, you must remove the salt immediately from the shoes.

Steps To Follow

1. Wipe Off Salt With Damp Cloth

First, when there is a salt deposit on your shoes, wipe off as much salt as possible with a lightly damp cloth.

2. Use Vinegar And Water

Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a bowl. Now clean your shoes using a clean white cloth dipped in the mixture of water and vinegar. Repeat the process until all the salt is removed from the surface. Make sure to use a white cloth as dyes from fabrics can be transferred to shoes. If the boots are wet, dry them using the newspaper.

3. Use Saddle Soap For Cleaning

Saddle soap is the best option to clean your leather shoes. Apply small amounts of saddle soap in a circular motion using a moist sponge. After the soap application, use a clean white cloth to clean the excess saddle soap on shoes.

4. Use Stain Removers

Leather Shoes are to protect from stains, so many shoe manufacturers and shops are also selling small bottles of stain removers, which can be used to remove the stains. These stain removers are made of natural ingredients and are effective in stain removal.

Preventing The Further Damage

Even after cleaning, steps have to be taken to protect shoes from further damage. Here are the points you need to take care of while protecting your boots.

1. Always Allow The Shoes To Dry

When the shoes become wet and salt-stained, the shoes must be dried immediately to prevent further damage. Stuff the boots with newspaper to remove excess moisture and keep the boots in a warmer place.

2. Conditioning Leather Of Shoes

Salt dries out the moisture in leather, so you need to condition shoes after getting exposed to salt. Add a couple of drops of olive or coconut oil to reverse the effects of salt. Repeat the process until the shoes are not absorbing any oil.

3. Application Of Waterproof Agents

Leather needs a special waterproofing agent for protection against road salt and water damages. In fact, the agents are to be applied for shoes immediately after buying.

Finish With Stain Repellent Spray

To prevent further stains, use water repellent stain sprays. Do not use waterproof sprays, which are too strong, and they clog the leather’s pores. Always use the spray 8 to 10 inches away from shoes during application.


If you are a snow removal contractor, then road salt plays an important role in your business. Canada Salt Group Ltd is the most reliable and trusted supplier of bulk road salt in North America. Contact us for a FREE estimate.

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