How to Efficiently Use Road Salt?
In winter, as soon as the night falls, snow starts to frost and makes the roads, drives, and car parks more slippery. You use road salt to remove the ice from the car park area, but do you know the efficient ways of using road salt to make it work effectively?
Some Simple Road Salt Application Tips
1. Preventive Gritting
As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure, and it is best to act before the snow forms in your area. If you wait until the snow has fallen and then apply the road salt, then it is too late. As it is already slippery, you need to add twice the amount of salt to get the same result. So it is better that you spread the salt on the surface of car parking, drive, and road surface before it starts to snow. To do this, you need to keep an eye on the weather forecast and be ready with road salt.
2. Choose the Right Road Salt
The working of the road salt depends on the grain size. Small grain salts sink into the slush more quickly, but also lose their effectiveness quickly. When you use coarse grain salt, then you might see that the result is slow, but the road remains ice-free for much longer. Get the best result by combining both the fine and coarse grain salt.
3. Clear the Snow Before Application of Salt
If there is unexpected snowfall and all your space is filled with snow, the road salt might take time for clearing the snow. So you should remove the snow before gritting. By doing so, you get the maximum result, and the salt also works effectively.
4. Spreading the Salt Evenly
For every square meter, usually, a handful of salt is sufficient. To make the salt work more effectively, you need to spread the road salt evenly over the entire surface. For small areas, you could spread with hand, but for larger areas, you need to use gritting trucks for spreading the salt over snow.
5. Store in a Cool and Dry Place
Road salt absorbs moisture very quickly, and lumps are formed. Lumps formed in the salt, reduce the efficiency of the salt. To make the salt effective over the winter season, storing the salt in a dry place is a must. Keep the salt dry to use it whenever necessary.
We hope the above road salt application tips will help you use salt efficiently. Our experts at Canada Salt are ready to help you with the snow and ice removal in your area. We offer road salt in bulk or bagged materials, and we do provide storage facilities for the purchased road salt. The delivery option also available to your place whenever needed. Talk to an expert at 866-321-7258 or contact us online now.