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What Should Swimming Pool Temperature Be - Canada Salt


What Should Swimming Pool Temperature Be?

After months of construction, your pool is ready for usage. You might have spend days preparing the pool with tiles, diving boards, filtration system, and other utilities. Despite all your efforts, there might be problems due to minor mistakes committed by you and your family members. One of the important things to care about is the temperature of the water in the pool. The temperature is to be maintained according to the events conducted in the pool, and most people prefer cool or surface temperatures for most of the activities. Read on to know what should the swimming pool temperature be for any pool.

Why Is Temperature Swimming Pool Important?

The temperature of the pool affects the pH and chemistry level of water of the pool. The algae and bacteria develop more in lukewarm water. If the water gets warmer, algae and bacteria find a cozy corner of your pool to start a family. The chlorine present in the pool also depletes to maintain the pH of the water. People participating in competitions like cold water but small children and elderly people like warm water for swimming.

What Is The Perfect Temperature?

The ideal temperature of any swimming pool is a frustrating matter for most homeowners and varies for every pool. There are recommendations from various organizations, but there is a vast difference between temperatures accepted by professional athletes and people taking a casual dip in the pool. There is no universally accepted recommendation for maintaining the perfect temperature in any pool, but it depends on its people.

Temperature Guidelines According To Usage Of Pool

According to various fitness experts, the pool water should warmer for small children and elderly people. Here are some of the temperature guidelines

1. 82 Degree Temperature or Lower

  • Used for Adult Aerobics training
  • High-intensity water exercises
  • Training for competitive swimming teams

2. 86-88 Degree Temperature

  • For Younger children learning to swim
  • Moderate vertical exercises
  • Low Intensity and synchronized swimming practice
  • Recreational swimming

3. 90-92 Degree Temperature

4. Keep It Cool for Competitions

When the pool is used for competitions, the water should be comfortable, and the temperature should be less than 82 degrees. When the water is warmer or hotter, the swimmers may feel uncomfortable and affects their performance.

Benefits Of Controlled Temperature In Pools

In addition to protecting the swimmers, the pool’s temperature can also help protect your pool. Some of the other benefits are

  • Control of Algae and Bacteria
  • Balance the pH of the water
  • Keep swimmers comfortable


The temperature of the pool should be adjusted according to the usage. The best way is to maintain the average temperature to suit the uses of all people. Besides maintaining the temperature, proper pool salt is also to be used so that you can enjoy all the benefits of the pool. Canada Salt is the supplier of pure pool salt to be used for your swimming pools. Contact us for a free estimate.

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